We do a little bit of everything at the Church of Christ University Center, but we strongly believe that people, and not programs, are who really matter. However, with so many members and resources, God has made it possible for us to hold some pretty awesome events to help strength our own group, reach out to the campus of OSU, and even build up and support other campus ministries across the Mid-West. We hope that while we stay busy planning, organizing, and running these events, we will never forget why we do them. Events grow, strengthen, and connect people.
Outreach on the campus is done through the tent on Library Lawn every Wednesday and also through participating in OSU's intramural sports. Other forms of outreach take place through our Spring Break Mission trip to inner-city Houston, as well as overseas Mission Trips to Germany and India.
To strengthen our group as a whole and as individuals in our relationship with Christ, we have retreats. In the fall and spring, retreats are times when we take time away from campus to enjoy God's creation and rejuvenate our heart, soul and mind.
God has blessed us with the opportunity to host an annual campus ministry seminar that serves to encourage and strengthen various college ministries in our region. Click here for more information and registration.